Front matter

In the front matter of each page or post, but for the usual variables, we set two new custom variables to handle the multilingual logic1 of the site:

  • language defines the language of the page/post
  • language_reference relates different translations of the same page/post

We can use language to retrieve only the pages or posts that have the same language, and language_reference to retrieve only the pages or posts that return the same content translated in different languages (read the sections navigation.html and language-switch.html for more details).


For example, here is the front matter of the English page Stories:

layout: page

title: Stories
description: Stories.

language: en
language_reference: stories

published: true
order: 2

and here is the front matter of its Italian counterpart:

layout: page

title: Storie
description: Storie.

language: it
language_reference: stories

published: true
order: 2

Both pages have the variable language_reference set to stories so that they can be easily related with each other.


For example, here is the front matter of the English post Hello World:

layout: post

title: Hello World
description: Hello world.
date: 2021-01-01 00:00:00

language: en
language_reference: world

published: true

and here is the front matter of its Italian counterpart:

layout: post

title: Ciao Mondo
description: Ciao Mondo.
date: 2021-01-01 00:00:00

language: it
language_reference: world

published: true

Both posts have the variable language_reference set to world so that they can be easily related with each other.

Data files

We create a YAML data file named snippets.yml to store the different translations of the user interface copy as additional data in the _data subdirectory.

We then create a new variable named snippets in the base.html layout to shorten the code that we need to write to access the data contained in the snippets.yml file:

{%- assign snippets = %}

Since the base.html layout is the base for all the other layouts, if we place the variable snippets there, we can then access it from any other page.

Through this variable, we can write just snippets.name_of_the_data_item when accessing a data item rather than the full, longer

For example, the piece of code that generates the Back to the Top link at the bottom of the page:

<a href="#{{[page.language] | slugify: 'latin' }}">{{ snippets.back[page.language] }}</a>

uses the following variable:

{{ snippets.back[page.language] }}

to retrieve the name of the link in the current selected language from the following lines in the snippets.yml data file:

  en: Back to the Top
  it: Torna in Cima

  en: Top
  it: Cima

In the eventuality that the user interface copy is quite lengthy, we might consider creating a different data file for each language and place it in a dedicated subdirectory—similarly to what we already do for pages and posts. For the sake of this basic site, we keep things simple and use only one single data file to list the copy in all the different languages.

  1. The logic is based on the principle articulated in Sylvain Durand’s Making Jekyll Multilingual