All jots | Page 14
As an avid reader, I jot down bits from food for thought pieces on design and development to revisit and reflect on later.
[…] and I realized that we’d stumbled onto one of the biggest problems in our entire company: we had no idea how to define the role we’re trying to hire for and grow our developers toward.
19 jotted on 25 Jul 2016, 12:20. -
A re-invigorated broken employee is a corporation’s most powerful force.
18 jotted on 14 Jun 2016, 13:35. -
Don’t make your (often shy) natural leaders ask for a promotion—just do it. The icing on the cake for you—as their manager—is the loyalty you’ll receive in return.
17 jotted on 12 Jun 2016, 14:00. -
The problem is that if animation (and therefore the spatial structure of an interface) is an afterthought, it’s all too easy to create contradictory behaviors.
Amin Al Hazwani, Tobias Bernard, Motion with Meaning: Semantic Animation in Interface Design, A List Apart.16 jotted on 22 May 2016, 14:00. -
[…] the worst possible work environment is one in which visual designers are permitted actual autonomy over their domain.
15 jotted on 19 May 2016, 14:00. -
Although handoffs are difficult to avoid completely, the more they happen the dumber an organization gets resulting in failure. Individuals who are are handed off work take longer to get up to speed through (relearning) and crucial knowledge is lost.
14 jotted on 8 May 2016, 14:00. -
One day, you won’t buy a movie. You’ll buy the right to watch a movie, and that movie will be served to you. If the companies serving the movie don’t want you to see it, or they want to change something, they will have the power to do so.
13 jotted on 7 May 2016, 14:00. -
You set the expectation that you’ll be making recommendations, not taking orders. You made it clear that you’ll be discussing and agreeing on ideas before anything gets refined.
12 jotted on 24 Apr 2016, 14:00. -
The thing is, being connected doesn’t magically enable effective communication.
11 jotted on 23 Apr 2016, 14:00. -
If you are embarking on a rewrite journey, all the power to you, but make sure you do it for the right reasons, understand the risks and plan for it.
10 jotted on 23 Apr 2016, 14:00. -
Paradoxically, change only has a chance of succeeding if failure—at least a little bit of failure—is also okay.
Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister, Peopleware, Productive Projects and Teams, Third Edition, p. 209, Addison-Wesley, 2013.9 jotted on 23 Apr 2016, 14:00. -
Visual design should never be left until the end of the process.
Kathryn McElroy, Prototyping for Physical and Digital Products, p. 22, O’Reilly Media, 2016.8 jotted on 23 Apr 2016, 14:00. -
[…] Still, seeing it isn’t the moment of resignation. The moment happened the instant you decided, “What the hell? I haven’t seen Don in months and it’d be good to see him.”
Your shields are officially down.
7 jotted on 26 Mar 2016, 13:00. -
People under time pressure don’t work better—they just work faster.
Tom DeMarco, Timothy Lister, Peopleware, Productive Projects and Teams, Third Edition, p. 18, Addison-Wesley, 2013.6 jotted on 26 Mar 2016, 13:00. -
Clutter is the official language used by corporations to hide their mistakes.
William Zinsser, On Writing Well, The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction, 30th Anniversary Edition, p. 20, Harper Collins, 2006.5 jotted on 26 Mar 2016, 13:00. -
Best I can tell, getting fired and dying are one of the few burdens that are yours and yours alone.
4 jotted on 24 Mar 2016, 13:00. -
[…] More than 120 takes. Those kind of scenes, you say “Oh, Jackie’s good.” It’s not good. You can do it. Except do you have the patience or not?
3 jotted on 12 Mar 2016, 13:00. -
[…] a claim to be pragmatic is implicitly an accusation that says that whoever disagrees is dogmatic […].
2 jotted on 12 Mar 2016, 13:00. -
The dysfunction in the organization became the dysfunction in the product, and that was passed on to the customers.
1 jotted on 12 Mar 2016, 13:00.