All jots | Page 11
As an avid reader, I jot down bits from food for thought pieces on design and development to revisit and reflect on later.
[…] Debt is acquired by building for the short-term. Design debt is made up of an overabundance of non-reusable and inconsistent styles and conventions, and the interest is the impossible task of maintaining them.
97 jotted on 30 Nov 2017, 11:00. -
I wish I had more comforting words for you, but all I can say is that most things worth doing are a struggle.
96 jotted on 9 Nov 2017, 10:35. -
Fail fast. Iterate quickly. Prototype. Prototype. Prototype. And cut. Cut scope until it hurts.
95 jotted on 1 Nov 2017, 11:15. -
Failure is a good thing if you plan for it. Failure can teach you lessons that no success will ever teach you […]
94 jotted on 31 Oct 2017, 11:45. -
If you’re describing what a function does and you have to use the word “and,” that function is probably too complex. What a function does should be simple enough to explain with only a descriptive function name and descriptive arguments.
93 jotted on 27 Oct 2017, 12:20. -
Tell everyone you’re working on this project to make sure that there isn’t anything you overlooked.
92 jotted on 20 Oct 2017, 12:40. -
Values aren’t what’s printed on the wall or in the employee handbook, but the interactions that happen every day. The values stem from the top, are reinforced by each employee, and determine how the company works.
91 jotted on 17 Oct 2017, 12:40. -
Solutions based on this knowledge can help you to give users what they need, rather than what they say they want.
90 jotted on 10 Oct 2017, 17:05. -
[…] software patents are actually preventing the adoption of new technology, rather than encouraging it.
Simson L. Garfinkel, Mitchell Kapor, Richard M. Stallman, Why Patents Are Bad for Software, Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 1991.89 jotted on 9 Oct 2017, 12:10. -
Your job is not to stop your mentee from making any mistakes; it’s to stop them from making the same mistakes over and over.
88 jotted on 8 Oct 2017, 22:35. -
[…] it’s confusing because I don’t think pictorially, I’ve done it grammatically […]
Christopher Nolan, 18-Minute Analysis By Christopher Nolan On Story & Construction Of Memento, YouTube, The Lord Louis Show.87 jotted on 5 Oct 2017, 22:25. -
A difficult client who demonstrates trust issues right from the beginning of the business relationship and shows an inability to compromise might be more trouble than they are worth.
Kimberly Bond, Non-Disclosure Agreements For Developers: What To Know Before You Sign, Smashing Magazine.86 jotted on 5 Oct 2017, 13:00. -
Yes, I have regrets, but as soon as you start rewriting your past you realize how your failures and mistakes are what define you.
85 jotted on 29 Sep 2017, 00:30. -
After reading that, do you still want to include open source work in your project? Will it derail your purpose and goal?
84 jotted on 27 Sep 2017, 11:50. -
What has changed in the last generation is that companies today view more and more of the labor it takes to produce their goods and services as akin to staplers: something to be procured at the time and place needed for the lowest price possible.
Neil Irwin, To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now, The New York Times.83 jotted on 21 Sep 2017, 12:10. -
When an organization tries to maximize inputs, rather than outputs, the result is a whole series of bad judgments.
82 jotted on 19 Sep 2017, 12:10. -
Exhaustion isn’t cured over a weekend (or even a long weekend). It requires a recalibration of priorities, tasks, life goals and even life purpose.
81 jotted on 13 Sep 2017, 00:55. -
[…] it is important to distinguish between ‘state’ and ‘act.’ The state of something in UX is fundamentally static, like a design comp. The act of something in UX is fundamentally temporal, and motion based.
80 jotted on 12 Sep 2017, 11:45. -
[…] there are three levels of consistency: individual, collective, and institutional.
79 jotted on 8 Sep 2017, 12:15. -
If a project calls for SVG and a designer has been tasked with creating illustrations and providing design assets for development, then the designer is no longer handing over a static file, but a snippet of code […].
78 jotted on 8 Sep 2017, 12:10. -
Being a senior developer doesn’t mean you have to know everything, it means you can help find out anything.
77 jotted on 8 Sep 2017, 12:00. -
Effective retrospectives require a commitment to maintain an open mind and open communication with your team, as well as a willingness to be vulnerable.
Victor Yocco, Dwelling On The Past: The Importance Of Project Retrospectives (Part 1), “Smashing Magazine”.76 jotted on 6 Sep 2017, 12:00. -
[…] we primarily use animation in three ways—to indicate a state change, to add an emphasis, or to reveal extra information
75 jotted on 22 Aug 2017, 11:45. -
A common pitfall is to define your goals in terms of your existing metrics—“well, our goal is to increase traffic to our site.” Yes, everyone wants to do that, but how will user-experience improvements help?
74 jotted on 1 Aug 2017, 12:30. -
Trust keeps a relationship going, but you need the knowledge of possible future repeat interactions before trust can evolve.
73 jotted on 1 Aug 2017, 12:00. -
When you’ve been set up to fail, your primary goal is to demonstrate that the inevitable failure was not your fault.
72 jotted on 9 Jul 2017, 20:25.